The start of our forever Est 2004

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Fifty things, I love about you being fifty

(To My Dad just because he is amazing and always there for.)

One, having  a party combine party with your Grandson who is two and getting to see how young a Grandpa you really are.

Two, the fact that your grandson cares your middle name. It would been your first but you didn't want him to be teased about it in school.

Three, son is a great honor to have they may not always listen to you like they should but they all look up to  you and love believe or not.

Four, is the number of children you  have. But don't worry the number of grandchildren you have will be at least double that if not more.  if possible

Five, minute with and that is all you need to tell people about the gospel. It shows in your walk and talk but if and when you get the chances you share it.

Six, is how many all together are in are family it may not be much but you are are our fearless leader and as you follow heavenly father will go where you go with out questions.

Seven, the day we became seven us and the cat you didn't like at all but the cat loved you and know who to kiss you too. You like him now.

Eight, the day we became eight and we brought the dog in you really didn't like that day. Now you are waiting for the day he died because he doesn't like you anymore then you like him.

Nine, when we got to nine in our family I think we were all glad it wasn't the cow you were going to get because we got a dog. Mom and you welcome Edie in to our home which we now are so glad you did.

Ten, years goes by in blink you had us and we welcomed Edie and before you know your oldest children are gone to school. Then one comes home says she is getting married and now you have tow grandchildren soon three. 

Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, I think you were so glad when all your children made though there teen safely. But when all were able to date and start driving I think you wanted to backward in age instead forward.

Twenty, So that when I got married yes a year younger then you but I wasn't going to be as young as mom a teenager still. An I know you worried and still worry but thanks for being there and supporting me in the best choices of my life.

Twenty One, I know  twenty one reasons not say I am bored. You always found work for us to do. An even thought I only lived in your house just short of 21 I know that if you don't find something to do you would find work for us.

Twenty Two, Twenty Three, Twenty Four, Twenty Five, Twenty Six, Twenty Seven, Twenty Eight, Twenty Nine, Thirty, I  know that being late for church was something you hated so always tried and did get there early. Sometime thirty minute or more but it showed to us all. Being on time to anything is really important being on time to church was double that.

Thirty, is how old your son in law will be you are twenty year older then him looking back. Is thirty that old. He thinks he is old when he turns thirty. Your fifty and your not old so when you can tell him what it was like for you. You make Fifty look easy Thirty must have been a breeze.

Thirty One, I am sure you could name Thirty One things we your children did or didn't do that you wish we had when you asked or even if you didn't ask you wish we had not. Don't worry your grandchildren are getting even for you on my end so be happy about that.

Thirty Two, Thirty Three, Thirty Four, Thirty Five, Thirty Six, Thirty Seven, Thirty Eight, Thirty Nine, Forty, I think that is about how many time if not more would wake up to your singing O What A Beautiful Morning. It was the best times those morning a long with that we had started over and over trying to make it a habit of reading scriptures. It didn't always stick no matter how hard you tried, but we know that singing and scripture were important for our family.

Forty One, I remember that is only took five minute was all took to do a job. Or so you said was five minute growing  up that turned in to ten the twenty then thirty . So some day it will be forty because lets face one day you will be old. 

Forty Two,  Being there for me to talk or give a blessing keep me out of lot trouble. I hope it does the same for my children.

Forty Three, For being super human your in pain everyday yet you push through it and you have never had caffeine expect for hot chocolate to keep you going.

Forty Four,  You are so honesty and even when teased for years about a cow that gave chocolate milk. You wouldn't back down it was true. You found when married mom how was gone. So I learned stick to you to the truth. 

Forty Five, That you named me Melissa, and that you wanted to be my dad before we got here you took on a lot.

Forty Six,  When we would ask where we going "crazy want to come."
I tell your grand children the same thing now.

Forty Seven, When my children start to cry I tease with your weeeehheee cry that you always did to us and Emma and JJ both find it funny. But the trouble with that is they do it with Thomas who doesn't understand the whole joke but the tease of favorite crying goes on because it's something I loved and still do about you. 

Forty Eight, I do what you do I try to always get them to smile like you do now and did when we were young. I say here it comes here it comes and then they smile and get mad about like we did but it always made me feel better. The same happens with your grand children. 

Forty Nine, That you helped me learn to get up early and not get mad when I am woken up early by little ones or anyone for that matter at girls camp whatever to be there for others then to make the sleep later if I can if not know I will be able to rest more from worries when I am dead.

FIFTY,  you are so amazing it may taken well over fifty days to get this out. An life has keep us both at fifty miles an hour run all day long. But I am so glad that I could share with our family and friend how wonderful you are dad. I sure am glad to be your daughter and that you live fifty years of amazing example anyone would be proud of . I know this four month shy of your next birthday but I couldn't go with out saying I how grateful I am that your my dad.

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